Accepted papers from iCBEB2014 have been published in
Issue 6/Volume 24 in the journal 'Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering'. These papers have already been indexed by Science Citation Index-Expanded (SciSearch®), Scopus, Pubmed, Compendex and others databases after seven weeks publication.
Accepted papers from special session on Biomedical Imaging of iCBEB2013 get
published in SCI-indexed journal,
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, in Volume 4, Issue 2 and
Issue 3. 5 papers in Issue 2 have been indexed by SCIE database, and the other
10 papers in Issue 3 will be indexed soon. The same workshop (International
Workshop on Medical Imaging) in iCBEB2014 is calling for papers. All
accepted papers will be published by SCI journals.